I have install netbeans in my ubuntu. I like IDE of programming language that not only can produce desktop application, also can handle web programming like Visual Studio. Netbeans is another alternatif as open source programming. I think this replace Java STudio from Sun, and I can learn more about Java and C++. Netbeans also provide AJAX as Web programming language.
Many feature in Netbeans. But i can give some tips for you begginer, if you are first time use this IDE, just choose the standart IDE and feature. Next time if you have full learn about JAVA platform, you can add many module for mobile pack, or web design.To install Netbeans 6.01 in your ubuntu hardy heron is easy. Just go to ADD REMOVE APLLICATION --> PROGRAMMING --> NETBEANS --> APPLY than wait for download and configuration.
Then you will go to install interface. Just do like if You usually use windows setting.
For this package is about 120 MB. If you have finish in install the netbeans, you can easily add modul in tool menu.